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ΑBIOMMED success and sustainability will be achieved mainly through the participation and engagement of the stakeholders, primarily the national MSFD competent authorities and the Regional Sea Convention UNEP/MAP). The project’s outcomes will be developed with the collaboration with experts across the Mediterranean and will be promoted at the level of relevant national authorities, which will be involved and consulted throughout the work. Actions have been taken to ensure that the projects results will respond to the CA needs, will be ‘endorsed’ by them and are in a format that can by directly put into use by the competent authorities for the facilitation of the MSFD on national and regional level in the Mediterranean. This way the project will become part of the MSFD cycle and outlive its nominal 2-year duration.


To this end project has undertaken a number of actions to involve and promote dialogue, cooperation and active engagement of the stakeholders. These actions are mainly focused on the organization of workshops and the participation in MSFD and Barcelona Convention Working Groups and meeting as well as the establishment of Stakeholder Bodies.




ABIOMMED will run a series of workshops with the participation of external experts/stakeholders: 


  • Meeting with Mediterranean TGSEABED experts, MS representatives, Technical experts, SPA/RAC experts of the OWG on benthic Habitats and GFCM experts (Under Activity 3 and in conjunction with Activity 6)
  • High-level policy workshop of Activity 3 with SPA/RAC experts, and national representatives (timeline according to UNEP MAP calendar and activity 6 progresses); back-to-back to international event (in conjunction with Act 6)
  • An exchange with stakeholders from Activity 6 is planned to take place at project mid-term, with the aim of collectively identifying sources of information allowing to potentially inform cumulative pressures and their drivers.
  • Workshops for the needs of the socioeconomic analysis of Measures (Activity 5) during the SHECAP meetings.


Participation in MSFD and Barcelona Convention Working Groups and meetings


ABIOMMED will participate in a number of meetings




  • Barcelona Convention OWG on Habitats (M22) (Activity 6)
  • MSFD WG POM ESA (Activity 5)
  • Meetings of relevant UNEP/MAP working groups (Activity 5)

Stakeholder Bodies: 

Stakeholders, External Experts and Competent Authorities Panel - SHECAP

A Panel consisted by the Competent Authorities (CAs) of the EU Member States, relevant Stakeholders and External Experts (SHECAP) will be established, so the CAs could work closely with the Stakeholders and Experts and UNEP/MAP representatives, the project coordinator and the project manager in order to ensure that the CAs are involved and consulted throughout the work of the project. Through this, the projects’ results will respond to their needs, will be ‘endorsed’ by them and are in a format that can directly put into use by the competent authorities for the facilitation of the MSFD on national and regional/subregional level in the Mediterranean. 


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Connectivity Forum 

A Connectivity Forum will be established consisting of stakeholders’ representatives from the relevant projects (as described above), external experts from NGOs and other bodies, and non-EU countries such as Albania and Montenegro. South Mediterranean representatives will also be invited through UNEP/MAP. The Forum will convene back-to-back with the KO, the GA and the Final Meetings of the project to provide guidance, bring along their experience and convey the messages to their institutions.


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ABIOMMED Experts working groups 

Activities have set a number of experts working groups 

  • Mediterranean phytoplankton specialists working group – formation of an expert work group focused of the phytoplankton component of the pelagic habitat (Activity 2)
  • Mediterranean zooplankton specialists working group – formation of an expert work group focused of the zooplankton component of the pelagic habitat (Activity 2)
  • Establishment of a Think Tank of plankton experts for the pelagic habitat assessment (Activity 2)
  • Cetacean Med MFSD Working Group CETGW (Activity 4)
  • A dedicated multidisciplinary working group of GES experts, including scientists and representative of regional organizations from across the Mediterranean to share knowledge and discuss the challenging issues and conceptual and technical solutions for defining and assessing GES in its intrinsic and complex dimension (Activity 6 in collaboration with other Activities)


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Stakeholder and experts’ involvement


ABIOMMED Stakeholders WORKSHOP: Towards consistent assessment of benthic habitat and effective measures to reduce physical disturbance to the seafloor in the Mediterranean Sea (D6/EO6)  

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